Where do I watch Warehouse 13?

In the US, Warehouse 13 is available to stream for free (with commercials) on Amazon Prime! It is also available on IMDB’s free TV Streaming Service — you just have to create an account.

We’re not sure about its availability in other countries, though we’ve heard some seasons are on Netflix in the UK. Please let us know how to access the show in your country so we can update this page accordingly.

If you don’t have Amazon Prime, check out your local library. Most US libraries have this show for rent on DVD. If you are affiliated with a school/college/university, or your library is one of several in a larger system, you can likely “ILL” (interlibrary-loan) the DVDs from a media collection nearby, even if your local branch does not have them.

Did you watch WH13 when it was originally on?

Are you old enough to remember it?

Yes! Listen to our podcast for the full story, but Miranda caught episode 1x04 “Claudia” live on Syfy channel in 2009, and watched every episode obsessively as it aired from that point on. She got her BFF Jill hooked, too, though Jill missed a few episodes here and there since she was in the middle of switching universities and completely changing majors during this time. We were both in college during WH13’s original airing, and we are now independent, well-educated professionals who flourish in our respective careers. We love you for noticing that we are youthful! If you came to this question based on any assumptions about our profile picture, however, please pause to consider gender bias.

We would also like to note that you (yes, you!) can always be a real fan of anything—no matter how old the text or the fandom is—even if you just discovered it today. Whether you watched every episode of Warehouse 13 back in 2009 or literally just started the series for the first time, you are welcome here. Mistreating, judging, or refusing to welcome “new” fans is mean, unnecessary, and harmful—but more than that, within the history of science fiction fandom, gatekeeping rose to popularity as a cultural practice rooted in racism and misogyny.

Can I listen without watching the show?

Should I watch the show before or after listening?

Yes! We understand that Warehouse 13 may not be accessible to everyone, and/or that many of our listeners have found our podcast because they are interested in history, in science fiction, in gender studies, etc.

Each podcast will begin with a brief recap of the episode, and we tend to go through the entire plot pretty thoroughly. Of course, we recommend that you watch the episode first and then listen to the podcast, but … our grandmas listen very happily and they haven’t seen the show ;)

If you are a writer, academic, and/or historian, and you’ve come to this page because you’re interested in the interviews we conduct, you may also consider supporting our academic work on Patreon. We are currently in the process of preparing uncut/unedited Artifact Expert interviews to post on our website.

When should I expect new episodes?

Jill and I love this podcast; it is truly our passion project. However, since we are completely independent, we have to produce and edit the show entirely on our own, with no monetary compensation for our time.

Miranda’s goal is usually to release a new episode every other Tuesday, but sometimes she runs late by a day. We’re just doing our best!

Your site calls this podcast “female-powered.” What does that mean?

Jillian and myself (Miranda) call this show a “female-powered” podcast in regards to our personal identities, as we are both women. As members of the LGBTQ+ community, we absolutely love and support people of all gender identities, including but not limited to our trans, gnc, and non-binary friends.

We will include intersectional feminist guests of all genders on the show. “Feminism” that excludes trans people, non-binary folx, or anyone else is NOT feminism. It is, in the words of many bloggers we love, Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobia, and we will NOT tolerate hatred, exclusion, or gatekeeping of any kind.

Our goal is to reinvigorate this beloved gay & bi positive TV show, while amplifying the voices of scholars, historians, communities, and experts who are not always consulted by the science fiction film and television industry.

Can I be on the show? What about (insert person here)?

Yes! If you are an expert in a topic that is coming up in a future episode of Warehouse 13, we would love to hear from you. You do NOT have to have a PhD to be an expert; independent researchers, journalists, writers, and artists, as well as local historians, volunteer curators, or people with lived experiences as members of a given community or identity, are all invited to share their knowledge with us. Please have a specific episode/“artifact” in mind, and then send us an email to see if we might be in need of your talents. Please note that we do book our interviews very far in advance, so the sooner the better.

If you have an expert in mind whose voice you’d like to hear, feel free to suggest them to us via Twitter or email! We can’t guarantee that they will agree to be interviewed on the show, but we’ll give it a shot!

If you are not an expert, but just love Warehouse 13, you can be on the show too! We will regularly engage with fans by shouting out to people who chat with us through email and Twitter. You can also send us an email for our upcoming mailbag episode(s), OR, check out our Patreon tiers, which allow you to record podcast intros and voicemails for any episode of your choice!

Do you endorse certain ships?

Do I have to be nice to people who (fill in the blank)?

Miranda here. Obviously I’m a huge fan of Bering & Wells; however, Podcast 13 aspires to create a judgment-free, gatekeeping-free, non-toxic fandom community. You must treat people with respect and kindness in our Podcast 13 spaces even if you disagree with them about a character, ship, or opinion of any kind. It’s fine to discuss alternative viewpoints, but do NOT be mean, judgmental, or inappropriate.

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to be a fan. There is not a “correct” opinion or emotion you “should” have about anything.

Likewise, refusing to include bi/pan, ace/aro/demi, gnc, trans, or any other queer folx as fellow members of the LGBTQ+ fan community is unacceptable, here or in any other context. We also totally welcome our straight fans and male listeners! Everyone is welcome in our community, and our goal is to see everybody interact with each other in a respectful and egalitarian way. Fandom is not a zero sum game.